FERM 539 – Financial Technologies (FinTech)
Financial Technologies
Ozyegin University
Graduate School of Business
Graduate Financial Engineering Program
Spring Semestre
3 Hours/Week
5 ECTS – Elective
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to introduce the effects of technology and innovation on Financial Services to students to better understand the future of Financial Services Industry.
Course Description
This course focuses on the technological advancements, innovative trends and startups that are shaping the Financial Services Industry. The course introduces both the technologies and the firms (both startups and big tech companies) that are using these technologies for innovative solutions. The following topics are covered:
- The Future of Financial Services Industry
- The Effects of Financial Technologies on Innovation and New Business Model Creation
- The Opportunities and Threats of Financial Technologies
- The FinTech Ecosystem
- Technological Trends and Use Cases
- Blockchain Technology
- FinTech Regulations
- Open Banking and API Economy
- FinTech Startups and New Business Models for Banking
- The Strategic Partnership Models Between Corporations and Startups
Class Structure
Class will be based on lectures and discussions, integrated by exercises, experiences, case analyses, etc. The lectures will present the conceptual and empirical aspects of the subject matter, while the exercises, experiences, and cases will deal with the applied aspects.
Course Requirements and Expectations
Class attendance and active oral participation are important requirements for completing the course. Each student is expected to contribute to class discussion every class, as part of the learning experience for all students.
Read all assigned materials before class and be prepared to discuss. Students are responsible for timely completion of reading assignments prior to each class. To effectively participate in class discussions you should be able to frame and explore problems and situations in various ways, generate problem-solving alternatives, actively listen, build-upon, and challenge the ideas of others.
Written assignments will be the original work of the individual student. Students must indicate where any and all materials are taken from other sources (footnotes, bibliography). Use reputable and authoritative sources.
- YAZICI, Selim (Ed.). (2021). FinTech ve InsurTech ile Finansın Dönüşümü: Dijital Ekonomide Geleceği Şekillendiren Beş Temel Yapıtaşı. İstanbul. MediaCat Kitapları.
- ALDRIDGE, Irene, KRAWCIW, Steve. (2017). Real-Time Risk: What Investors Should Know about FinTech, High-frequency Trading, and Flash Crashes. Hoboken. John Wiley & Sons.
- BELLI, Melike, Banking and FinTech: Developing a FinTech Ecosystem in Istanbul, BKM Yayınları, 2016.
- BIRCH, David. (2016). Kimlik: Yeni Para, çev: Ahmet USTA. İstanbul. Kapital Medya.
- BLAKSTAD, Sofie, ALLEN, Robert. (2018). FinTech Revolution: Universal Inclusion in the New Financial Ecosystem. Palgrave Macmillan.
- CHISHTI, Susanne, BARBERIS, Janos (Eds.). (2016) The FinTech Book. Chichester. John Wiley & Sons.
- KING, Brett. (2010). Bank 2.0, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Business.
- KING, Brett. (2011). Bank 3.0, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.
- KING, Brett. (2014). Breaking Banks, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.
- KING, Brett. (2016). Augmented (Artırılmış Gerçeklik), çev: Kerem BALABAN, İstanbul: Kapital Medya.
- KRISHNAN, Sankar. (2014). The Power of Mobile Banking, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
- NICOLETTI, Bernardo. (2017). The Future of FinTech: Integrating Finance and Technology in Financial Services, Palgrave Macmillan.
- SIRONI, Paolo. (2016). FinTech Innovation, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
- SKINNER, Chris. (2007). The Future of Banking in a Globalised World, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
- SKINNER, Chris. (2015). Dijital Bankacılık, çev: Nadir ÖZATA, İstanbul: Kapital Medya.
- SKINNER, Chris. (2016). ValueWeb, çev: Aytun ÇELEBİ, İstanbul: Kapital Medya.
- SKINNER, Chris. (2018). Digital Human: The Fourth Revolution of Humanity Includes Everyone, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Business.
- SOLODKIY, Vladislav. (2018). The First FinTech Bank’s Arrival.
- TAPSCOTT, Don; TAPSCOTT, Alex. (2016). Blockchain Revolution, New York: Penguin.
- USTA, Ahmet, DOĞANTEKİN, Serkan. (2017). Blockchain 101, BKM Yayınları.
- WAUPSH, John. (2017). Bankruption, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
- WESTERMAN, George; BONNET, Didier; McAFEE, Andrew. (2014). Leading Digital, Boston: Harvard Business Press.
- WULFEN, Gijs van. (2011). Creating Innovative Products and Services, Farnham: Gower Publishing.
Supplementary Reading
- AULET, Bill. (2013). Disciplined Entrepreneurship, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
- BESSANT, John, TIDD, Joe. (2018). İnovasyon ve Girişimcilik, Çev: Esra ASLAN, İstanbul: Nobel Yayınları.
- BLANK, Steve, DORF, Bob. (2012). The Startup Owner’s Manual, Pescadero: K&S Ranch Press, 2012.
- COOPER, Brant, VLASKOVITS, Patrick. (2015). Yalın Girişimci, Çev: Gamze SART, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
- DRUCKER, Peter F. (1993). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles, New York: Harper Collins.
- DUENING, Thomas, HISRICH, Robert D., LECHTER, Michael A. (2015). Technology Entrepreneurship: Taking Innovation to the Marketplace, Second Ed., USA: Elsevier.
- HELMCHEN, Thierry Burger (Ed.). (2012). Entrepreneurship: Creativity and Innovative Business Models, Croatia: InTech.
- OSTERWALDER, Alexander, PIGNEUR, Yves. (2015). İş Modeli Üretimi, Çev: Levent GÖKTEM, İstanbul: Optimist Yayınları.
- REINDERS, Adrie, FREIJSEN, Marion. (2012). The E Factor: Entrepreneurship in the Social Media Age, Dallas: BenBella Books.
- RIES, Eric. (2011). The Lean Startup, USA: Crown Business Publishing.